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A sneak peek into my simple life and wonderful family.



GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April 2024

ASB Leadership Field Trip to Disneyland.

Annual Autism Walk supporting Lennon.  This year Lennons team was the highest fundraising team of the whole event.  

Madden hanging with Lennon and Morrison's friends.


Monday, April 29, 2024

Madden's 12th Birthday


Madden is official 12 years old! He was such a trooper this year for his birthday.  Of course his birthday fell during the most hectic week/weekend possible for Skylar.  He was so chill and just asked to go out to dinner with a couple buddies.

We got him an ice cream cake.

Took Cooper, Ian and Travis to Korean BBQ for dinner where the boys had the goal to eat collectively 15 rib-eye steaks.  Pretty sure they made it to 12 total.  Madden had a great time celebrating!