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GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 2024

 I took Isabelle and Madden to Wild Rivers Water Park.

Skylar participated at Tribe 99 with her high school dance team. 

I took Madden on a double date with Gianna and Cooper.  Sadly they didn't escape their escape room.

Skylar celebrated Solana's Birthday.

Skylar is continue to live her best life this summer.  Hailey's parents took Skylars crew out on the lake for a boat day full of wake boarding, tubing, cliff jumping and swimming.  She had the BEST TIME.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July/Dance Nationals Weekend

 This year we had our Dance Nationals over the 4th of July holiday in Downtown San Diego so we decided to make a staycation of it.  We had never done the 4th in Downtown so we were all excited to see the Big Bay BOOM Fireworks show right from Seaport Villages.  We spent the first couple days by the hotel pool and cruising seaport.

We got Skylar and her girlfriends their own hotel room so they were having a blast together walking downtown and Seaport.

They went and support Liv (Hailey's little sister) as she competed.

Skylar was lucky to have the Funk's come down for the weekend and watch her compete.

These girls did so great after having 3 fellow dancers go down within a 2 week period.  Once even got hurt the night before they were to compete, but they pulled through and did a awesome job.

Sophie came down before they heading to the airport to support all her friends.

Dance Nationals was a success with Skylar's Hip Hop winning the top award in their category.  This was a really fun season for Skylar.  She had made some fantastic friends throughout the dance season and had a blast being with them for endless hours a week.  It was so nice for Jake and I to see her break out of her shell and grow her friendship group.