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GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas in Bressi

Recently our neighborhood hit a road block with it's community events.  One social chair moved out of the neighborhood, the next one quit because people didn't care for the type of events she was putting on, which left the community with no committee.  Knowing how much joy these events bring the kids, Jess decided we needed to step up.  So Jess, Gina, Jenn and I are the new Social Committee for Bressi and I honestly couldn't be more thrilled to be doing it.  We jumped in just in time to save Christmas in Bressi and put together a really awesome event for everyone who attended.  We had our amazing Santa and Ms. Claus.  Ms. Claus did glitter tattoos for the kids while Santa spoke with each kid and took tons of pictures.  

 Madden has really been enjoying Santa from afar.  When he sees him on TV or a picture of him somewhere he will say "Santa," with a smile.  When it was time to get up close and personal with Santa it was a different story.  I had a feeling it may not go very well, so right before I put Madden on Santa's lap I told Santa to hold on tight to him because I felt he was going to try and make a break for it.  I wasn't sure who I felt worse for, Madden, Skylar or Santa.

Skylar, Sophie, and Abigail

To make up for torturing Madden with Santa we let him have as much hot chocolate and cookies he wanted.

The DJ had the kids dancing the whole night. He even held several hula hoop contests and past out prizes to the winners.

All the kids were given red and green glow sticks to celebrate with.

Santa, Sophie, Colton and Caden with Santa and Ms. Claus.

It's always so much fun celebrate holidays in our community.   

1 comment:

  1. Love that you stepped up and saved Christmas in Bressi! Good for you and the other great moms! Love these festive pictures! Skylar looks so sweet with Santa. We have a similar picture of Jessee and Arielle with Santa, so I know Arielle remembers Madden's pain. 'Like the hula hoop contest and dance music. Good idea! Santa and Mrs. Claus look real! I like The Ernest family picture. Merry Christmas to all!
