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GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Thursday, December 26, 2019

New Years Eve 2019

The holidays are all about traditions and one of our favorite is our New Years Eve night.  This is the fourth year in a row we have rang in the new years with the Rossittos at the Westin NYE party. Each year has a great theme and this year was Mad Hatter.  Lucky for Skylar and Jake they still had pieces from our Alice and Wonderland Halloween costumes so they were able to fit right in.  Madden and I just dressed our NYE best.


"Off with her head" - The Queen

Zoe, Sophie and Skylar.

Y  M  C  A

Hanging in the "Adult's Only" Room.

The Rabbit and Cheshire Cat

Had a hard time keeping these girls off the stage all night.

2019 definitely wasn't the best year for our family.  We had a lot of loss and heartbreak but we were so blessed to be surrounded by the most incredible family and friends.  I know we never would of been able to get through all of it without those closest to us.  So we give cheers to each and everyone of them and look forward to 2020 being a year of making memories with all those wonderful people.


  1. Spending "New Year's Eve" with your children is a wonderful way to welcome in a new year. The "Mad Hatter" was a fun theme. Great group pictures of you all and the Rossittos. I bet it was hard to keep the kids off the stage once they get wound up! I'm looking forward to enjoying happy times in 2020. Love, Suzie

  2. I loved the video. So much fun for everyone! Skylar and Madden dancing was so cute. Jake still has the moves. Nicole and Jake looked very nice...rabbit ears and all! Enjoyed the balloon drop and Madden's face when he got his balloon! Happy 2020!
    Love, Suzie
