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GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Monday, December 6, 2021

Madden' Competitive Soccer Season 2021

 During Madden's 2020 season of rec soccer I think we all realized that it was time to move to competitive soccer.  Madden was scoring 5-6 goals a game and it was harder for his skills to improve when playing with such a wide range of different skilled players.  I had recently starting working out with a trainer who happen to run his own competitive soccer club, so I think it was faith.  During 2020 fall school year the kids only went to school twice a week, so on his days off Madden would come to my workouts so he got to know the coach and when I told him about the soccer tryouts Madden was all in.  December of 2020 Madden participated in the try outs and boom, we were all in.  

The club we join is a very small soccer club.  So small, that Madden as apart of a 2011 team (a whole year older).  We were so proud of Madden playing with older kids and a bunch of boys he didn't even know.  Through the year Madden went from playing soccer just a 10 weeks in one year to practicing four days a week and playing all year around.  His is now great friends with all the boys on the team and we have come to love all the families.

With covid early 2021 was a bit of a rough start.  We played in a couple tournaments which didn't really go our way, but the boys were still trying to gel together. 

Madden got to play pick up game against his school buddies.  Our team won!

Throughout the year the club holds camps which Madden loves attending.

Once summer game we had three tournaments lined up.  The boys played great and we made it to the finals 2 out of the 3 tournaments.

The club did a fun club night out and watched a professional soccer game.

Our league season was a huge success!  We won all of the games, but two, and once again was a runner-up for the season.  Even though the boys didn't win it all, their improvement is night and day.  Watching them all play together is so much fun.  Our team has such a wide variety of ages that its pretty awesome to see how well we hang with bigger clubs.

Madden has been working his heart out all year.  When coach mentioned that he need a bit more work he gladly would let me take him to extra practices on his days off.  He would sometimes be playing soccer 5-6 days a week and never complained.  It's been awesome watching him improve and play his first competitive season. We can't wait to see what next year brings him and the team!

1 comment:

  1. Super good action pictures of Madden. The team is really coming together and using many tricky skills. Competetive soccer is a "whole" family commitment so good job Mom and Dad and Skylar for supporting Madden. He worked very hard this season. Love, Grand-ma
