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GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Madden's 4th Trip to San Fran/Sacramento

4th grade is all about California history so going on the 4th grade trip was something we weren't going to miss.  We had Skylar signed up to go on it when she was in 4th grade but Covid shut that down, so I was happy that Madden was able to attend.  We knew it was going to be a fun filled packed two days and that is definitely what it was.  We had to be at the airport at 6:00 AM on Saturday and from there it didn't stop until we got home on Sunday night.  

These boys crashed the cockpit.

Waiting for our cable car.

Riding the cable car was maybe my favorite part of San Francisco.

We got dropped off at Pier 39 for the next 5 hours.  It was a mad house there but it didn't slow us down.  Boys were jumping and running all over that place.

We had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe.

After lunch we toured the aquarium.  At one point I lost Madden inside, but eventually found him.

Hopped on the ferry to visit Alcatraz.  Madden was the one kid who decided to go in the splash zone that you weren't suppose to go in and he was drenched. 

At Alcatraz after Madden got soaking wet, he was in a bit of a mood so he just wanted to tour it with me which was so nice.  He was usually so busy with his buddies having just him and I tour it was fun to do together.  

After the tour we headed back for dinner at Pier 39 and back on the bus to head to our hotel.  The kids took over the pool at the hotel and had a blast swimming before they all crashed by 10:00 PM.

The next morning we headed over to the State Capital where we walked around the grounds.  It was a Sunday so it was closed and we all found it a bit of a waste of time to be there to be honest.

Got to walk around Sutters Fort where we did a bit of a scavenger hunt and ate lunch.

The weather was getting warm and we drove down to the American River where the kids got to pan for gold.  The water was freezing they all day but it didn't stop them for looking for a nugget.

We ate dinner in Old Sacramento, headed to the airport and finally got home by 11:00pm that night.  In the end we packed in a TON of stuff in just 36 hours and it was a blast! I was so glad that Madden and I attended this trip as I know it is something he will remember forever.  

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the video, Nicole. Loved the pictures in The City! The kids were troopers and their trip definitely fit in a lot. Too bad you visited the Capitol on a Sunday, but panning for gold was a good idea. Love, Suzie
