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GRANDPARENTS Fill the World with LOVE

Monday, May 2, 2011

Beach Day

The days of jumping on our beach cruisers with just a towel, chair, a little radio with a Bob Marley CD and heading down to the beach are long gone.  We have become one of those families who head down to the beach with everything but the kitchen sink now that we have a kid.  It was Skylar's 1st Beach trip and Jake and I were really excited to take her.  It was a beautiful spring day.  The temperature was in the upper 80s and there was a perfect cool breeze blowing when we headed out to Moonlight Beach.  We got to the beach which was already packed with people eager to soak in the warm weather and quickly found our spot and set up camp.

Taking in all the new surroundings, Skylar just wanted to sit in the shade under her umbrella and do some people watching, which Jake and I didn't mind since we were able to lay out and get some sun.  Finally wanting to move around we took Skylar down by the waters edge and let her cruise around on the wet sand.

She even had her first and definitely not last taste of sand!

Back to our spot we put on some music and enjoyed some snacks that we brought with us.  We figured the Ritz crackers would help wash down some of that sand that Skylar had already eaten.

Right in front of us was a mom with her young daughter who was playing in the water.  We figured she was only a few months older than Skylar so we decided it was time to take Skylar to the edge of the ocean and let her feel the water.  It probably wasn't the best time since we could tell she was getting kind of cranky. Taking her down to the water we could tell she didn't want to walk on her own because she had her legs wrapped tightly around Jake's torso.  When Jake got to the water around ankle high she started to cry and when he brought her back to the shore and place her feet in the water as expected she let out a big cry demanding to be picked back up. 

After that we decided it was time to pack up and head home.  We were both really proud of Skylar and I think she really did enjoy her 1st beach trip and probably would of lasted longer if she hadn't gotten so cranky at the end.  If this was a glimpse to what summer is going to be like, than I think we are in for a really great summer with more days of perfect beach weather.

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